
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Henry Bain's Burger Sauce

Looking for the ultimate burger sauce.. Stumbled upon this recipe at nibbledish and courier journal:

1) Nibbledish:

How to make Henry Bain's Burger
This recipe is all about the Henry Bain sauce.  Henry Bain was the head waiter at Louisville's elite Pendennis Club in the 1880's.  He developed this recipe, I have used the sauce for steaks, venison, duck, as well as burgers.


1 grilled hamburger
1 toasted bun
Zuni Zuchinni pickles for garnish
for Henry Bain Sauce:
1/2 cup chili sauce
1/2 cup ketchup
1/2 cup A-1 steak sauce
1/2 cup worcestershire sauce
1 1/2 cup chutney-the original recipe used peach chutney, but any flavor will work.
2 Teaspoons salt
1/2 Teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper

Combine all the sauce ingredients in a sauce pan and bring to the boil.
Simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
This keeps well in the refrigerator for several weeks.
Serve the sauce spooned over the burger with a side of Zuni Zuchinni Pickles.

2) Courier Journal
Henry Bain sauce is a sweet-sour-spicy beef sauce invented by a maitre d' at Louisville's all-male Pendennis Club in the early 20th century.

· 1 (17-ounce) jar Major Grey's chutney
· 1/2 of 9-ounce jar imported pickled walnuts (optional, see note)
· 1 (14-ounce) bottle ketchup
· 1 (11-ounce) bottle A-1 Steak Sauce
· 1 (10-ounce) bottle Worcestershire sauce
· 1 (12-ounce) bottle chili sauce
· Tabasco, to taste

Put the chutney and walnuts, if using, in a blender and chop fine or puree as you prefer (you'll need to stop and stir). Combine with other ingredients and season to taste with Tabasco.
Makes 4 pints.

Serve with hot or cold roast beef. Spread on beef sandwiches, serve with pot roast, etc. Also good served with cream cheese as a cracker spread.

Note: Pickled walnuts are recommended in the Henry Bain sauce recipe in``The Farmington Cookbook,'' but not in recipes written by former Louisville food writers Cissy Gregg and Marion Flexner.


Both claimed that it's a Henry Bain sauce recipe, tapi ada slight difference.. Would combine and give them a try lah.. 

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